Red stoplight with an apartment building in the background.

Time to break these bad driving habits

Avoid dangerous driving situations with these tips.

Bad driving habits to avoid

司机在熟悉路况的时候可能会养成一些不好的驾驶习惯,但这些坏习惯可能会导致车祸, 违反交通规则或车辆过度磨损.

Driving distracted

When you're behind the wheel, 保持注意力集中在道路上以避免分心是很重要的,因为分心的司机更容易发生事故. T在这里 are many different types of driving distractions, such as eating, daydreaming and texting, that can cause bad driving habits. Teen texting and driving 是交通事故和致命车祸的主要原因,但大多数青少年却没有意识到其中的危险吗.

Failing to signal

让其他司机和行人知道你的下一步行动是很重要的,这样他们就可以放慢速度,给你让路. Signal at least 100 feet in advance.

Riding the brakes

把你的脚放在车辆的刹车踏板上可能会对你的刹车造成过度的压力. 如果您驾驶的是手动挡车辆(手动挡), try downshifting to remain at safe speeds.

Rolling through stop signs

Even if you think the streets are clear, 在转弯或进入十字路口之前,要完全停下来. 如果你不这样做,而且十字路口不是全路停车,你可能会造成车祸并收到罚款 failure to yield moving violation.

Slowing down to look at crashes or construction

观望不仅是危险的,而且还会导致交通减速的连锁反应. 保持你的眼睛在前方的道路,这样你可以保持警惕封闭车道或警察指挥交通事故后.


尾随是司机能做的最危险、最令人愤怒的事情之一. 跟在前面的车太近可能会导致事故,也可能会让前面的司机采取报复性的刹车措施. If you want to go faster, wait until it's safe to pass in another lane, but until then keep a safe distance.

Sudden stops

留意你周围的环境,并预料到什么时候你可能需要停下来. 慢慢踩刹车踏板有助于防止刹车片过度磨损.

Fast starts

Peeling away from a stoplight uses excess gas, 但也可能会对引擎的关键部件造成压力. Accelerate at a slow smooth rate.

Driving on fumes

在老式的电动燃油泵中,汽油起冷却剂的作用. 在你的汽车中使用低燃料,就会有更少的液体来帮助冷却发动机. In today's vehicles, 燃油泵被封装在一根管子内,并始终被燃料包围, even when the fuel level is low. Check out what to do if you happen to put the wrong fuel in your car.

Parking illegally

当你赶时间的时候,你可能会认为把车停在违禁区是可以的, 但你的选择可能会给别人带来危险,给你带来巨额罚款. 在法定停车时间之外,避免把车停在残疾人车位、红色区域或路边. 也, when parking, 在撞到路边之前,一定要避免慢慢驶入停车位, 哪些会损坏你的轮胎,并可能导致对准问题.

Running yellow or red lights

It can increase your chance of a crash. 如果在你到达十字路口之前灯变成黄色,最好不要冒险.

Unsafe merging

Take the time to learn how to properly merge. 合流时适当的礼仪可以保持交通畅通,避免造成交通瓶颈和可能发生的事故.


不遵守速度限制会使你面临更大的事故风险 pulled over. Speed limits are designed for the safety of drivers and pedestrians. When you are travelling above the speed limit, 这样会增加你在弯道冲出道路或撞到其他车辆或行人的几率. 虽然公布的速度限制因州而异,但使用以下范围作为a general guide if you don't see a posted limit:

  • Residential area: 15-30 mph
  • Undivided road (rural): 40-55 mph
  • Divided road (rural): 55-70 mph
  • Freeway: 55-65 mph

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